Monday, January 26, 2009

hands held high

Daarrnnn, tht song is stucked in my head. With hands held high, into a sky so blue, as the ocean opens up, to swallow you. Ahahahha. Well life been great so far except for uia. Hectic as usual. Pffttt. Im on holiday atm, but friggin assignment are keeping me away from it. Shhiiittt. Its been 3 days, & I've been sitting home doin all these shitt, especially drawing. The best subj ever. I wish. Ahahhaha. So updates huh?? Nutin much act, just normal lame story tho. Wake up, eat, play, internet, sleep. LOL. Studies are good i guess. Hahahaha. Mid term comin up in few days. WTF so fastt. I dnt even realised what hv i been studying for the last couple weeks. Shiieeettt I need to do well. Study mirul study!!

Yaaa, radiohead & paramore r performin live on sunburst. Need to go. Huhuhuhu.

I'm damn bored now. Someone made me wait. =/.


Atira. said...

haha same here.
need to get all the assignments done.




peachdrug said...

wei tak confirm lagi la Sunburst. Last I heard Radiohead only does shows around US & Europe to lessen the carbon emission, and they only have separate sets of equipments at both regions je. So tak confirm lagi.


i dont care!!!!
they r comin.